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Organ Tour Argentina 2017
Organ Tour Argentina 2017
Organ Tour Argentina 2017
Organ Tour Argentina 2017
San Patricio, Mercedes
Folclore, Rauch
Cavaille-Coll, Santisimo Sacramento
Organ Tour Argentina 2017
Organ Tour Argentina 2017
Organ Tour Argentina 2017
Organ Tour Argentina 2017
Organ Tour Argentina 2017
Organ Tour Argentina 2017
Organ Tour Argentina 2017
Organ Tour Argentina 2017
Organ Tour Argentina 2017
Organ Tour Argentina 2017
Organ Tour Argentina 2017
Organ Tour Argentina 2017
Organ Tour Argentina 2017
Organ Tour Argentina 2017
Organ Tour Argentina 2017
Organ Tour Argentina 2017
Organ Tour Argentina 2017
Organ Tour Argentina 2017
Organ Tour Argentina 2017
Organ Tour Argentina 2017
Organ Tour Argentina 2017
Organ Tour Argentina 2017
Organ Tour Argentina 2017
Organ Tour Argentina 2017
Organ Tour Argentina 2017
Organ Tour Argentina 2017
Aerolineas Argentinas

Organ Tour Argentina 2017


Dear Friends and Colleagues,


Our trip to Argentina in February 2017 was truly an amazing experience for all involved. We played a variety of instruments over the course of our week in South America and met an amazing group of people. 


There were several highlights on this trip including the opportunity to see and play the Mutin Cavaille-Coll organ at the Basilica del Santisimo Sacramento in Buenos Aires as well as the Walcker organs at San Jose de Calasanz (Buenos Aires) and San Patricio (Mercedes). In addition, we spent a few days outside of the city in Rauch where our incredibly gracious hosts showed us the wonders of small town hospitality and farm to table cooking. 

Any trip of a great distance in a new location gives the traveler unexpected experiences along the way. During our travels in Buenos Aires, Padre Antonio at the Basílica de María Auxiliadora y San Carlos gave us a guided tour which included the baptistery where Pope Francis was baptized.  


It took the collaboration of several people to make this tour possible. I would like to thank Cristina Ayala de Zudaire for her support in creating this tour in Argentina in addition to her daily support during the tour itself. In addition, I thank Juan Maria Veniard for his help and insights throughout our trip. Thank you to the wonderful musicians we met throughout the week, especially Matias Sagreras and Claudio Messina who went above and beyond to welcome us as well as Manuel Maturo and Franco Savino who hosted us in their churches.

In addition I would like to thank all those who welcomed us during the tour especially , and last but not least Helena Zudaire for all of her help with support and translation throughout the week.. 


After an energizing week on Organ Tour Argentina 2017 I look forward to future projects ahead. For those reading about Organ Tour for the first time here, I hope you will consider joining us on a future tour.


Paul J. Carroll, Director, Organ Tour

February 17-24, 2017

Organ Tour Argentina 2017

Quick Facts

Number of Instruments: 9

Oldest Instrument: c.1880

Youngest Instrument: 1958


Saturday, February 18 and Sunday, February 19

San Pedro Apóstol, Rauch
Balbiani, Italia 1923
2 manuals, 23 ranks

Tuesday, February 21

Nuestra Señora de la Consolacion
Santiago Eduardo Poggi, Argentina (non-playable during our trip)
2 manuals, 8 ranks


San José de Calasanz, Buenos Aires
Walcker, 1924
3 manuals, 35 ranks


Basílica de María Auxiliadora y San Carlos, Buenos Aires
Carlo Vegezzi Bossi, Italia 1910
4 manuals, 38 ranks

Wednesday, February 22

Basílica de Nuestra Señora del Socorro, Buenos Aires
Steinmeyer, 1958
3 manuals, 28 ranks

Basílica del Santísimo Sacramento, Buenos Aires
Mutin Cavaillé-Coll, 1912
4 manuals, 71 ranks

Thursday, February 23

Parroquia de San Patricio, Mercedes
Steinmeyer, 1931
4 manuals, 63 ranks


Basílica de Nuestra Señora de Luján
Mutin Cavaillé-Coll, circa 1908 (non-playable)
3 manuals, 49 ranks

Friday, February 24

San Ignacio de Loyola, Buenos Aires
Giovanni Tonoli, c. 1880 / Giacomo Locatelli, 1906
2 manuals, 22 ranks


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